Novel Writing Tutor, UK

The image features bold black text on a gradient background that transitions from light yellow on the left to light pink on the right. The text reads, "Become A Novel Writer" at the top, followed by "1-1 lessons with a Creative Writing Tutor to fast-track your writing career" in the lower half. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

Novel Writing Tutor, UK

A woman with shoulder-length dark brown hair is smiling at the camera, showcasing her profile. She is dressed in a gray and white striped top, wearing black-framed glasses and light pink lip gloss. The background is a plain white wall, highlighting her as though she were a poised designer. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

Fast-track your novel writing career from a self-publishing professional and author. Learn creative writing skills and everything you need to know to get your first book published.

As an ex-teacher, an author and a self-publishing professional, you can expect lessons to be constructive, challenging and jam-packed with useful hints and tips. Lessons are tailored around your writing experience but are best suited for those who want to publish fiction novels. We will work together to develop your writing skills and to tailor your style in keeping with your preferred genre. Whether you want to go down the traditional publishing or self-publishing route we will work to get your manuscript pitch perfect. Enjoy my industry knowledge and get tips and tricks to ensure you don’t waste time or money on unnecessary pursuits. Lessons are suitable for complete beginners or those with advanced writing skills and each lesson is designed to advance you quickly forward.

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A logo consisting of a stylized "BS" design in lines above the word "BookSelf" written in bold, large font. Below "BookSelf," the tagline "Self-Publishing Services For Authors" is displayed in smaller, all-capital letters. The overall color of the text and design is gray. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

BookSelf is a self-publishing website with a difference in that it is run by people that have experienced and embraced the self-publishing journey themselves.

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