Book Cover Designer Jobs – BookSelf June 2024

Book Cover Designer Jobs – BookSelf June 2024

Jobs for book cover designers at BookSelf. Design premade book covers or tailor-make book covers following the customer’s brief. For more info check out our Designer Information page: Contact Us>Designer Information

Four book covers in a horizontal row. The first shows a figure in a red cloak entering a dark space with the title "Darkness Falls." The second features a close-up of a woman in a hat titled "Ice Queen." The third depicts a woman in white and red grass with the title "Alone." The fourth shows a crow and a hand with the title "The Crow's Whisper." All show "Author Name. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers
Four book covers in a horizontal row. The first shows a figure in a red cloak entering a dark space with the title “Darkness Falls.” The second features a close-up of a woman in a hat titled “Ice Queen.” The third depicts a woman in white and red grass with the title “Alone.” The fourth shows a crow and a hand with the title “The Crow’s Whisper.” All show “Author Name. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

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A logo consisting of a stylized "BS" design in lines above the word "BookSelf" written in bold, large font. Below "BookSelf," the tagline "Self-Publishing Services For Authors" is displayed in smaller, all-capital letters. The overall color of the text and design is gray. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

BookSelf is a self-publishing website with a difference in that it is run by people that have experienced and embraced the self-publishing journey themselves.

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