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Beta Reading Service

Sometimes it takes an expert to examine all aspects of how a novel presents itself which is why we think the beta reading service is essential for authors.

The service provides the author with an unbiased critique of their work so that they can improve or adjust the content to meet or exceed industry standards.

Beta readers can help an author improve their content so that when published, a novel is competitive within its marketplace and also of the highest quality to match the readers expectations.

Bookshelves filled with a variety of books, all facing outward. Titles include "Sapiens," "2020 World of War," "Six Billion Shoppers," and "Everybody Lies." The books are arranged by genre and cover various topics like history, science, business, and self-help. A Beta Reading Service is also available for aspiring authors. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

Why is a beta read important?

Sometimes you need an expert to give greater clarification in order to move onwards and upwards. At BookSelf we think the beta reading service is essential to allow authors to examine all aspects of their work.

The service provides the author with an unbiased critique of their work so that they can improve or adjust the content. In addition it allows authors to use the critique to meet or exceed industry standards therefore elevating the standards of their work. This is turn assures quality which in turn increases sales.

Beta readers can help an author improve their content so that when published, a novel is competitive within its marketplace and also of the highest quality to match the readers expectations.
Telling a story is a difficult job, especially these days when competition is high and expectations even more so. Friends and might not want to disappoint the author and may offer gentle criticism rather than constructive criticism.

Beta readers look at every aspect of a novel from settings and dialogue to plot and originality. A beta read report will point out the positives and the negatives of each of the aspects listed below. Then, armed with this information authors can improve or rework aspects that might appear ambiguous, lacking pace, structure or direction.

Beta reading starts at £50 per 10,000 words. Turnaround for the average 70K word novel is usually within a one to two-week time period. The service includes a thorough report and detailed analysis of your manuscript with helpful pointers aimed towards improvement. All genres are considered including non-fiction but with the exception of scientific manuscripts.

What's included in a beta read report?

The Beta Read Report will be around 3000-4000 words and will include a summary and critique of the following:

  • Overview
  • Plot
  • Characters
  • Dialogue
  • Settings
  • Writing style & quality
  • Pace
  • Technical presentation
  • Genre
  • Originality
  • First impressions
  • Plausibility
  • Also includes a critique of: introduction, foreword, preface, prologue, epilogue, author’s note, blurb and any marketing taglines, short descriptions        etc.
A logo consisting of a stylized "BS" design in lines above the word "BookSelf" written in bold, large font. Below "BookSelf," the tagline "Self-Publishing Services For Authors" is displayed in smaller, all-capital letters. The overall color of the text and design is gray. BookSelf Book Cover Design & Premade Book Covers

BookSelf is a self-publishing website with a difference in that it is run by people that have experienced and embraced the self-publishing journey themselves.

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